Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Errrr, actually, we don't quite know...

Ok, so it's an airborne creature, but Christian and I still had an argument about this plush cushion my friend Tash got me for Christmas.

I think I threw it at Christian and said 'Eat the wrath of the reindeer' and he said 'Ummm, that's a moose, not a reindeer' and I said 'Uh, look again!'

Christian's argument is that he has a huge mouth, no nose and moose antlers.

My argument is that he has a cute Christmas ribbon...

Reindeer antelers...

And a tag on his bum that says 'Reindeer plush animal cushion'

I think I won the argument but it true Christian fashion he is still adamant that it is a moose.


Mouse said...

Given the available evidence, I'd have to agree with you and conclude it's a reindeer.

(Word verification - 'cattedry')

Smerk said...

- those horns are moose-like.

Heh...word verification - pantsp

MadCarlotta said...

Take it from someone who lives in the Land of the Moose. It's a Moose. China doesn't know what it's talking about.

Nettie said...

I shall bow to your moose knowledge Carlotta, though I will 'accidentally' forget to tell Christian of your findings lol

Shawna said...

Yeah, it looks pretty moose-like to me, too. ;-)

Acci said...

It's a yak, incognito.