Last week whilst driving her fire truck through King's Park, Barb failed to see Darcie skipping through the playground. This is a photographic montage of the events of that day.
We had an absolute blast Dave :) It actually all started by the expression my other niece had on her face whilst 'driving' the truck but she didn't want to play long enough for a whole series of photos :(
If I could be any animal I chose, it would be a wolf.
Wolves are pack animals, fiercely loyal, they protect their own.
They mate for life, love to play and don't take themselves too seriously.
The life of a wolf is a good one.
lol I love it! But is Barb running for help, or running from the scene of the crime? (insert stern look, complete with raised eyebrow, here)
lol she was supposed to be running from the scene of the crime!
Did anybody get the number of that truck?!? We need to track them down so we can charge them with littering!
I love it Nettie. the expressions on their faces are great! LOL
*..Daydreams about other 'accidents' involving driving playground equipment through a park...*
yeah, I'm evil.....
We had an absolute blast Dave :) It actually all started by the expression my other niece had on her face whilst 'driving' the truck but she didn't want to play long enough for a whole series of photos :(
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