Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fun anyone?

I'm scratched, bleeding and feel like I've been beaten with a very big, very dirty, stick.

No, I haven't gone head to head with a T-Rex, I've been gardening (sorry to disappoint my adoring fans).

How fun. Now, I must state here that I'm not a huge fan of gardening. And I'm not talking about gardening as in the fire-break sense (where you just go berserk with the old whipper snipper), I'm talking about the gardening where you rage a day long battle against weeds and tap roots, fighting valiantly against grass seeds and millipedes just to be beaten at the end by those bloody snails!

We have a bricked in area that extendeds about four meters out from the front door and most of that is an over-choked garden full of spiky natives, wild roses and my arch nemesis - the spider plant. I decided this morning that there were too many plants and that over half of them had to go. And so I set to work, digging and pulling and swearing and sweating and cursing. It was very ladylike of me!

And so, as the sun set over a pink horizon, I stood back to admire my handiwork. Unfortunately, the heap of torn and discarded plants that I had piled on the verandah was about three meters high and I couldn't see my handiwork, which was a little disappointing, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

And so, I retired to a hot shower, letting the soap painfully cleanse my gaping wounds and wash away the stink of battle, until tomorrow, when the war continues.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered the advantages of artificial turf, green gravel, and plastic flowers?

Hieronymous Anonymous said...

Have you considered the advantages of hiring a gardener. They're quite good, according to Lady Chatterley...

LaMa said...

Have you considered the advantages of just paving the whole damned area?

Nettie said...

Apparently I have many options to consider...